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We have joined the ISBA Business Directory

Writer's picture: Equality Act Audits Equality Act Audits

We are proud to have joined the Independent Schools' Bursars Associations Business Directory. You can fine us here.

The ISBA is the only national association to represent school bursars and business managers of independent schools, providing them with the professional support they need to manage their schools successfully and provide a world class education to their pupils.

ISBA's online business directory provides the contact details of suppliers and professional advisers to independent schools across the country and is frequently visited by bursars and senior management professionals in ISBA member schools.

We have provided our services to many #IndependentSchools, advising them on their duty under the #EqualityAct and making clear recommendations on #accessibility.

Independent school buildings are often beautiful, historic buildings that embody tradition and prestige. However, they can also pose challenges for individuals with mobility impairments or other disabilities. Many independent schools were built before accessibility laws were put in place, and retrofits to these historic buildings can be costly and challenging.

This makes the thought of producing an #AccessibilityPlan for Senior Leadership Teams of these types of schools very daunting. This is where we can help. We have a wealth of experience in this sector and can help to advise on what would be considered 'reasonable' under the #EqualityAct.



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