Many of the Trusts we work with have enquired as to whether it is possible to provide an Accessibility Package where we can take the responsibility away from the Trust to ensure all schools are up-to-date with their accessibility plans.
We have created a package specifically for Trusts in response to the above.
Equality Act Audits can help you support all of your schools regardless of location, providing expert advice on accessibility and complying with the Equality Act 2010. We have a proven track record of working alongside Headteachers, SENCOs and Governors delivering an accessibility support package.
We work with Trusts to support each individual school, as well as your head office. We will ensure that full compliance is achieved throughout all schools, as well as advising on any ‘reasonable adjustments’ needed, and this will be evidenced in an ‘Accessibility Plan’ to the satisfaction of any inspectorate.
Our compliance package offers:
1. Accessibility Expert visit to each individual school undertaking an Access Audit covering the three requirements of the Accessibility Plan – Access to the Building, Access to Information and Access to the Curriculum*
2. Direct liaison with each individual school on appointments.
3. A detailed Accessibility Plan tailored to each individual school and their specific circumstances.
4. Recommendations to improve accessibility to each school building, as well as information on current legislation.
5. Email and telephone support from your dedicated Accessibility Expert throughout the life of the plan (3 years).
6. Additional visits if requested. For example, new building work at the school which needs reviewing.
7. In the unlikely event that a claim should be brought against one of the schools, we will advise and provide ‘Expert Witness’ services if required.
8. Regular newsletters to stay in touch.
9. Reminders to each individual school when the Accessibility Plan is coming up for renewal. Accessibility Plans for all schools in the Trust are synced making it easier to know when their renewals are due.
*As per current Government guidelines, this must be performed every 3 years.
Equality Act Audits will keep all schools fully compliant throughout the lifecycle of the Accessibility Plan. This will result in a reduced cost and workload to the Headteachers, as well as ensuring full accessibility for not only the premises, but staff, students and visitors.